Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just like old times

For better or for worse, I'm back in Austin for half the summer.  Besides that awful not-to-be-named school, the city really is the jewel of Texas.  Getting here was quite an adventure, and something I never want to do again.  I had a final on a Wednesday, two finals on a Friday, and two finals were on Saturday (the Brits are assessment nazis who don't think twice about weekend tests).  Post finals celebration at the Windsor was followed by the Stream B end of year party (in the Porn Basement...aka the Stream B party house).  Over the year, my study group and friends had won three bottles of champagne (including a giant magnum of Veuve Clicquot), so we celebrated the end of the first year with them.   Then, I stayed up most of Saturday night frantically packing for the summer and shoving my stuff into every nook and crevice so my flat could be subleased for the summer (thank goodness I found a subleaser).  The cab came to my place at 6 am Sunday morning to take me to Heathrow for my non-stop flight to Houston.  After an exhausting trip (where my seat's entertainment system was jacked...grr), I unloaded in Houston and had dinner with Holly at Ruggles Cafe in Rice Village (one of my faves).  Monday morning was a ridiculous number of errands and then driving to Austin in a rental car to start work on Tuesday.  I'm staying with a wonderful couple who are family friends.  They have a great place in Tarrytown and welcomed me to their home.  I don't know how I would have managed to do this this summer without their help.

Cheers to B2, the best study group.  Ever :) 

The next tough part about moving to a new city is being friendless.  Luckily, there are a handful of people I know that have welcomed me and inducted me into the Austin culture.   

Blast from the past high school rendezvous with Jennifer and Kaci.  Good to see Kaci after 9 years!

Double trouble.  Went to a "soup party" with Steven and Bryan (aka Brooks).  I don't know how to describe the event, but think of it as a Tupperware party meets summer BBQ, but with soups instead.  Very Austin culture but fun!

Monday funday!  After an intense P90X-esque class at Pure Austin, I head across the street to have dinner at the Whole Foods world HQ on Mondays.  It's like a gastro Disney World.

Three men and a lady.  I don't remember how and when I met Cason, Jared (aka Morris), and Craig (aka Craigers), but I did.  They are a bit older, wiser, and funnier than me and are a great group of guys to hang out with!

I credit my sweet dear friend Amy as the one who introduced me to such great things as Chaco's, Martha Stewart Living, SLR cameras, REI, Hill's Bike Shop, garage sales, and Pinterest.  This last one is a neat website that allows you to track, store, and "pin" your favorite items and ideas together online.  You can also see what your friends are (p)interested in for inspiration.    I became a member this weekend and LOVE it.  You should check it out...very cool service.